Thursday, October 8, 2009


Cookies and Cupcakes are amazingly delicious, but they aren't always nutritious. It took three moms to devise a bakery that makes baked from scratch delicious cookies, muffins, bars, cakes, cupcakes and doughnuts packed with meaningful nutrients in right size portions. Their result, the "smart baking company"Three Tablespoons, is.......yes! delicious and nutritious!!!!!

If you just take a quick look-see at that picture above yonder you will probably become quite hungry. I did.

They promise to
make everything with 100% whole grain flours, load everything with vegetables, fruits, beans and seeds, and make sure everything is mostly vegan, except when honey is used. In addition, all their products are baked primarily with organic ingredients, are all dairy-free and egg-free, made with all-natural sweeteners, never refined and are free of trans-fats and hydrogenated oils. Their final promise is to make sure everything is "always delicious!" Check them out, and begin a healthy diet of cookies, doughnuts, and cupcakes!

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